AEIFOROS, a subsidiary of SIDENOR, aims at the recycling of all by-products arising from the production process of the industries of the SIDENOR Group, thus contributing decisively to the protection of the environment.
The main products of the company are:
- Slag aggregates for road pavement construction certified according to CE13043
- Sand (without filler) for industrial floors, cement products (concrete tiles, paving blocks), biological sewage treatment plants, sandblasting
- Fine sand with low specific weight and hydraulic binders
- Raw material for plasters, mortars and coatings
- Non-ferrous metals (Aluminium, Copper, bronze, etc.) from car and home appliances recycling
Since 2005, AEIFOROS also operates a depollution unit for the recycling of End-of-Life Vehicles and a recycling center for electrical appliances.
For more information, please visit: www.aeiforos.gr